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The following eight Search conditions do not need to be enter all, you can search characters according to the known conditions (multiple selections are allowed).

Rule 1Character Structure

Select the search mode → Enter the part or whole components of characters that can be disassembled. (You can enter one "?" to represent one component, enter "*" to represent multiple components.)

Rule 2Radical

Please select the radical to search.
部首字音讀表 (Chinese Only)

Rule 3Stroke Count

Please select stroke count.

Rule 4

Please select the search mode → Enter Bopomofo or Hanyu Pinyin. (You can enter "?" to represent one tone mark, enter "*" to represent multiple arbitrary values.)

Rule 5Cangjie Code

Please enter the uppercase letters corresponding to the Cangjie codes. (You can enter "*" to represent multiple arbitrary values.)

Rule 6Four-Corner Code

Please enter the Four-Corner Code of the character (including the fifth digit used to indicate the extra part above the lower right corner, a total of five codes. You can enter "?" to represent any number, such as: 608??). For code retrieval methods, please refer to "四角號碼表及簡則".

Rule 7Stroke Order

Choose the Stroke order other than the radical, you can directly click on the Stroke Table provided on the screen. (You can enter "*" to represent multiple arbitrary values.)

Rule 8Character No.

Please select the search mode → Enter the complete/partial Character No. or Character No. range of this dictionary.查詢說明(Chinese Only)
Search Mode